in Innovation

Innovation is in the details

Since we have moved our blog to Mediatemple we have been using Google Analytics to monitor usage statistics.

Personally I have always found the tool way too much complex for my needs.

In the last few days I shopped around and finally decided to go with Clicky.

I signed up for the free service and after a few minutes my new stats were up and running. I loved this service since the beginning. Simple to use, easy access to your data, fast, and with some features that other products do not have (RSS feeds, outbound links tracking, etc).

I was so happy with the product that I decided to subscribe to the premium service just to say thank you to these guys.

After the upgrade to premium here is what you can find on your right while looking at your home page:


Please, look at the Status line.

This is really something that does not cost a thing but makes a customer happy. I have the perception of being considered by the company.

How often does this happen?

Why do I blog this? This is a perfect example of a small innovation that has a great impact on the perception of a service. They simply added two simple words and made a customer happy.