in Office

What's in a word? The Business Card


It’s hard to define a “good” business card. It’s a matter of words, terms, they need to be right placed and right spelled in order to puzzle people about your role and personality…or not? Which is the mission of a business card? It’s hard to define a “good” business card, we said. Join us and play the game, you have five points of information to distribute on a piece of paper, and some other things to consider about shape and color of the ticket. Let’s enumerate the lot:

Company Name and Logo
Address and web site
Your Name
Your Job title
Your Phone number(s), email address(es), Skype, MSN etc.


all of it filled in a rectangular (classic) or square (why?) or circular (easy to roll) ticket, merged on a white or colored background and fastened on it in Arial Black, or Verdana if you’re innovative…(sigh).

The space left for your talent is pretty reduced, and often is limited to the Job Title. Don’t worry, it’s enough. If there are no constraints about the description and you’re free to use and abuse of current language, you’d generate monsters. Take a look to your weighty business card holder and select the best: I’ve got some good ones, like “Standard and Innovation Manager” (hmmm), or “Worldwide European Director” (he missed Regional, too), with no regards for the ones full of acronyms like “PRT DCB UTC Area Manager”. What about yours?

Why do I blog this?
The business card is the presentation layer in our interpersonal ISO/OSI stack, as the handshake could be the physical one (and so on, this could be the subject for another post). It means that it’d be clear and readable, and the encryption you use to arrange it needs to be not too strong. Otherwise, it seems that you’ve something to hide…

  1. Good one… And what about having a Second Life name on the business card? After having seen “Evangelist” on a business card a few years ago (it was quite uncommon at the time) I am waiting to read “Chief Metaverse Officer”

  2. Hey, does your company start to give U drug bonus ??
    And why not having in your BC the title that you wanna have like….Milionare ….Sex Instructor….Football Player and so on.
    Have you ever though about the real usage of a BC ??
    Here the hits

    1)In Pizzeria, to stop the shaky table
    2)After lunch driving your car, as portable flosser
    3)As joint filter.

    I know it’s hard to accept it.

  3. Dear Roberto, I take care of the joint opportunity when I said that the circular ones are easier to roll…Regarding the flosser i normally use a clip, it’s a matter of culture…

  4. hmm..! Lester Hope.
    Is it really a “good” business card. I need to check first. but with Roberto info it seems much useful. For while I have been puzzled. But Roberto its really hard to accept it. anyway thnx…

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